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Fire Techniques

Breeding bird response to season of burn in an upland hardwood forest

Greenberg et al., 2019

Long-term avian response to fire severity, repeated burning, and mechanical fuel reduction in upland hardwood forest

Greenberg et al., 2018

Fire effects on wildlife in the central hardwoods and Appalachian regions, USA

Harper et al., 2016

First page of publication includes title, abstract, and part of the introduction.

Woodland salamander responses to a shelterwood harvest-prescribed burn silvicultural treatment within Appalachian mixed-oak forests

Mahoney et al., 2016

First page of publication includes title, abstract, and part of the introduction.

Temperatures below leaf litter during winter prescribed burns: implications for litter-roosting bats

Perry & McDaniel, 2015

The Fire-Oak LIterature of Eastern North America: Synthesis and Guidelines

Brose, 2014

A meta-analysis of the fire-oak hypothesis: Does prescribed burning promote oak reproduction in eastern North America?

Brose et al., 2013

Bird response to fire severity and repeated burning in upland hardwood forest

Greenberg et al., 2013

Short-term effects of fire on breeding birds in southern Appalachian upland forests

Klaus et al., 2010

On the Ecological Roles of Salamanders

Davic et al., 2004

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