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First page of publication includes title, abstract, and part of the introduction.

Temperatures below leaf litter during winter prescribed burns: implications for litter-roosting bats

Perry & McDaniel, 2015

Cover of the conference proceedings featuring title, photo of a controlled burn around a single pine tree, and USDA Forest Service Technical Report information.

Proceedings of the 4th Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference

Dey et al., 2011

Proceedings of the 3rd Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference

Hutchinson, 2009

First page of publication includes title, abstract, and part of the introduction.

Bat activity in relation to fire and fire surrogate treatments in southern pine stands

Loeb & Waldrop, 2008

Two tables showing tree species, % of roost trees, and number of roost trees. Top table shows info for red bats. Bottom table shows info for pipistrelles.

Eastern Red Bat (Lasiurus borealis) and Easter Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus subflavus) maternal roost selection: Implications for forest management

Leput, 2004

Indiana bats roost in ephemeral, fire-dependent pine snags in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA

O'Keefe & Loeb, 2017

Fire effects on wildlife in the central hardwoods and Appalachian regions, USA

Harper et al., 2016

First page of publication includes title, abstract, and part of the introduction.

Bat response to prescribed fire and overstory thinning in hardwood forest on the Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee

Cox et al., 2016

First page of publication includes title, abstract, and part of the introduction.

Effects of shelterwood harvest and prescribed fire in upland Appalachian hardwood forests on bat activity

Silvis et al., 2016

First page of publication includes title, abstract, and part of the introduction.

Northern long-eared bat day-roosting and prescribed fire in the central Appalachians, USA

Ford et al., 2016

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